該系列的電影剪輯。艾在國外學習,直到他因吵架被開除后,他的父親強迫他返回泰國,他在他任教的大學上課。在那里,艾遇到了騎哈雷戴維森的新同學陳南海,他癡迷于一個黃色的鴨鑰匙扣。艾一見鐘情,一場旋風般的愛情隨之而來。~~改編自小說《愛龍納薩科恩(????).)的《?!????????????) Movie cut of the series. Ai studied abroad until, after being expelled for quarrelling, his father forces him to return to Thailand where he attends classes at the university where he teaches. There, Ai meets Chen Nhai, his new Harley Davidson-riding classmate who has an obsession with a yellow duck keychain. Ai falls in love at first sight and a whirlwind romance ensues. ~~ Adapted from the novel "Ai Long Nhai" (???????????) by Nathakorn (????).
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